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Polyphasic Sleep Experiment: Day 7

It’s impossible. There’s just no way I can get myself to get up after my three hour core nap. I *always* oversleep by an hour. Which means that I’m tired but not inhumanly tired. Which means that my body has no incentive to do radical changes to my REM sleep. Which means I’ll never learn to nap. Which means I’ll never be able to master polyphasic sleep.

I don’t get it. Other polyphase-sleepers must’ve been able to withstand the urge to sleep an extra hour, but how? It’s not like I’m so full of rational thought when I’m that tired – I just go back to bed and use whatever failing logic I can come up with to convince my conscious brain that sleeping is okay, like “Oh, but I’m just going to lie down! I’m not going to fall asleep! Haha, you know I shouldn’t do that. No, I’ll just lie down a litte.”, and then I fall asleep.
