Someone trying to scam my brother, failing miserably 26 Jun 2007 by nevyn (me in another convo):Call Paypal and make sure the funds is on the account. If they're not, he's probably a scammer. Bengan (in convo with the scammer):reversed? Bengan:what are you doing man? Kim:i did it Kim:because Kim:i cannot let you call them Kim:and now Kim:since you did call them Kim:MY ants sister dad's mum accounts Limited Kim:u have to decide Kim:dont call them Bengan:and why not? Kim:wtf do all my family think? Kim:we are wery richt Kim:and if im not using the money the right way, they abandon me Bengan:yeah thats not too smart reversing the money like 4 times Kim:true :\ Bengan:so i guess Bengan:ull have to pay to my credit card in sweden Bengan:or we're not making a deal Kim:damn :\ Bengan:so you gonna do that? Kim:no [ ... ] Bengan:can we have a phonetalk then? Kim:i loosed my phone in the sea Bengan:and my god... your still trying to convince me ur not a scammer Bengan:whatever ur trying to pull here, im not gonna let you scam me, if you are a scammer, ur really wasting ur time here Kim:im not an scammer Bengan:then we have no problem Kim:are u dumb ? no offence but Kim:i think you are Kim:cus Kim:have u ever been rich? Kim:it isnt easy Kim:your parrents is thinking more of the money Kim:than theyr son Bengan:why reverse the cash? Bengan:paypal isnt gonna tell ur parents they investigated their accounts
 Kim:WHWHAHAAHAHATTAAAATTT????? Kim:YOU KIDDING ME? Bengan:you dont have any other phone around you? Kim:no Bengan:goto a phone booth? Kim:nah [ ... ] Kim:u just stole 200euro Kim:and i will have to talk with my dad for it Bengan:i never stole it, its reversed Kim:u stole it Kim:soo Kim:i rather just get a cab Kim:and go on hes job Bengan:there you can call me, if you call me ill give the 200 euros back Kim:noep Bengan:okay so you rather goto ur dad and tell him im a scammer than giving me a phonecall Kim:yea Kim:rather you give me [the item] Kim:and we forget about this Kim:and ye, im blackmailing you