Is “Our Customers Are Stupid and Have No Idea What They Really Want” really Microsoft’s new mantra?
Is “Our Customers Are Stupid and Have No Idea What They Really Want” really Microsoft’s new mantra?—
“I’ve got to imagine that the Microsoft customers who took all the damn time to upgrade their machines to Vista, determined it was unworkable, and then had to take all the time to go BACK to XP, probably did so for a reason, possibly even a valid reason, and not because they had been swayed by bad word-of-mouth. I further imagine that these customers are completely livid at having Microsoft not say, “Oh, sorry, we’ll get right on those bugs,” but, instead, “You’re just stupidly following the crowd, and if you’d just free your mind up, you’ll discover you actually love Vista… hater.””
Call Me Fishmeal: “The Mojave Experiment:” Bad Science, Bad Marketing (The Mojave Experiment: Microsoft PR movie where they let XP users test Vista (with a Vista expert beside them) for ten minutes and record them saying that Vista doesn’t suck)