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Growl 1.1.4 with 0.1s transition animation

Growl 1.1.4 with 0.1s transition animation

Just a little bit of sanity. It would drive me batshit crazy that the growls would animate in just so slowly, covering whatever you needed to interact with right now, and just when it starts to fade out you mouse-over it to click it to remove it, but it fades in on mouse-over! And then you click it, move your cursor away, and then have to sit through an additional 0.7s of fade out transition, and then you could interact with whatever it is you needed to interact with. Unless another growl decided to appear just then, and into the vacant spot. GRARGHHHH!

I never understood how LanOSD could die while Growl prospered; LanOSD was pure grace.

Funniest part of this hack: Just above the setTransitionDuration method, there’s a comment: “Maybe there should be a preference setting for this” (or something to that effect)

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