multipart-message nevyn bengtsson's blog

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“I’m convinced that most people only spend 1-2 hours a day actually working. Of that time spent, a lot of it is “meta work”, endless emails, scheduling, and such. When you go to work and sit in your cube you’re behaving pretty much like a CPU. Most of the time you’re at 99% idle, but you need to be there and “on” just in case someone needs some processing done.”

— Nathan Bowers < lindsaycampbell < marco

do {
  for(Distraction *d in [self distractions:kTwitterDistraction, kRSSDistraction, kIRCDistraction, nil])
    [self lazilyReadForAFewMinutes:d];

  for(Distraction *d in [self workDistractions:kEmailDistraction, kColleagueAskingQuestions, nil])
    if( ! [d canBeAvoided]) [self respond:d];

  BOOL wasInteresting;
  @try {
    do {
      wasInteresting = [self writeWorkRelatedCodeForSeconds:5*60];
    } while(wasInteresting);
  } @catch (ImmenselyBoringException *thisIsKillingMe) {

} while ([NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] 
