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Hexy: Everything Overload wants to be

Me over at iphone-reviews:

Hexy is an abstract, tile- and turn-based strategy game with variable board size, for the iPhone. With all those similarities to a certain other game, I had to give it a try. And you know what? Hexy is everything I ever wanted Overload to be.

It follows iPhone interface guidelines, while customizing them to go with the game’s theme AND look stunningly beautiful. It has a conceptual theme going (bee hive; with the complimentary joke that any nerd will appreciate), but without going all the way there; it’s not a yellow-orange cartoon bee hive that one might expect from a flash or j2me game, but rather just enough subtle cues (sounds, names of things) to take it far enough while keeping the graphical design simple, unique and beautiful.

There’s a tutorial on first play that’s succinct and nicely done like everything else. There’s just no excuse for not having one in my game…

There’s local versus AI play, and local two player gaming, that’s simple enough. Further, though, there’s wifi play, and match-making online multiplayer. I haven’t seen that much, which is why I’m so anxious to get it into my own game as well. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be that many online players in Europe; the match maker didn’t find anyone for me to play with so I didn’t get to judge that experience. In Overload, I hope to make that situation better with push notification game invitation, friend lists and an in-game community, but that’s a very big step.

Most importantly though, is that Hexy is both challenging, allows for complex strategy, and a great deal of fun, while keeping games short enough for a play when waiting in queue with your phone; in short, the perfect mobile casual game. So get it! ~~nevyn

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