Secret gems in Snow Leopard
Just got a few so far, but I’m sure Twitter will yield lots more over the coming days, so I’m preparing for a gigantic list ;)
- Exposé
- Press space to make the thumbnail under the cursor full-sized (for quick previews). @fraserspeirs
- Press command-1 to sort windows by name. @mikeysan
- Press command-2 to group by application. @mikeysan
- Dock
- Minimize windows to “the application icon” is a setting on Dock, which will store your minimized windows in ExposĂ© instead of on the right side of the dock. Highly recommended! @joar_at_work
- Other UI
- Show hidden files and folders in an Open/Save dialog by pressing command-shift-period @gruber
- For devs
- -[NSArray enumerateObjectsAtIndexes:options:usingBlock:] with NSEnumerationConcurrent. @fraserspeirs
- /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/jsc is an interactive Javascript commandline tool. Could be useful? @ccgus