Alice In Wonderland Syndrome
Alice In Wonderland SyndromeAlice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd’s syndrome, is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experience micropsia, macropsia, and/or size distortion of other sensory modalities. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines, brain tumors, and the use of psychoactive drugs. (via @AngryResident)
Hum, I get this sometimes… Particularly when feverish or very tired. Things will *feel* like they are *very very far away*. My body stretches on for miles and miles; as if if I stood up, I would touch the clouds. If I’m awake and about, the world might distort, my hands by the computer keyboard as if reaching across the city. If sleepy and tired, closing my eyes do nothing to avert the feeling; dreams will take on a fantastic feeling of distance, everything of incredible, incomprehensible size and distance. I might fly, or walk far above the ground, the world a blur around me.
If I have a really bad fever, I might get a related nightmare: instead of distance, my perception of size crashes; everything in the world is cubes of different sizes. Some are so huge I feel sick to my stomach for just comprehending the size of the thing; it feels so wrong. It is as if I truly *comprehended* the size of the Earth, not just knew it as a number. Then that cube is dwarfed a million times over by its neighbour, and I’ll wake up from the chaotic, extreme feelings of discomfort.