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The experiment:

Step on a nail. Make sure it punctures your shoe and penetrates your foot.

(You probably want to make sure you’re up-to-date on your tetanus shot first.)

Do it again. Yes, with the blood. Doesn’t matter if you wait a week or a couple of years in-between runs.

Now the fun starts.

On the third run, you’ll catch yourself.

You’ll develop what roofers call “magic feet” — you’ll learn to recognize the sensation of a nail driving through the sole of your shoe.

I have magic feet.

And I just took a screenshot of my unsaved work as an app crashed.

That’s probably the closest software analog to magic feet.

Sometimes, an app starts to beachball mysteriously. Most often it’s Safari. It’s a special kind of beachball. You can feel that it will lead to a crash. Cmd-shift-3, open TextEdit, start typing whatever you were typing in Safari into TextEdit manually copying the text, watch Safari crash, reopen, open windows from last session, paste from TextEdit. The only thing that saved your work was an ungodly slow cache miss because your harddrive sucks.

I should just get MarsEdit. And a harddrive with a speed switch.
