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On the plus side, it’s now easier to add a new contact, and I can decide whether to call somebody or start a chat by hovering over a contact. On the minus side, everything else.

On the plus side, it’s now easier to add a new contact, and I can decide whether to call somebody or start a chat by hovering over a contact. On the minus side, everything else.
ignorethecode on the atrocity that is Skype 5. It really is a bloated, ugly, misbehaving piece of crap software. It’s even worse than the original MSN Messenger for Mac OS, and that’s quite an achievement. (Bloated chat UIs are a pet peeve of mine; I had an argument with my friend Sterd about it back before I had successfully converted him to a Mac user (:P) using this picture comparing the space efficiency of an MSN for Windows chat window with that of Adium, and not even using one of the minimalistic Adium themes.)
